Thursday, 25 March 2010

What is reading?

What is reading?
To read is not only to put letters or words together doing a good pronunciation, intonation, etc. Of course these skills are important because if you don’t know the codes of the languages you couldn’t read; but a real process of reading is more complex, is to analyze what the text says and how it is written by the author. For me reading is a conscious interactive relation between the reader and the text. This conscious interactive relation means to understand all the information that is specific and implicit in the text. This process gives the possibility to thought on what we read, reveals how our mind makes sense, how connects the ideas that emerge while we are reading and how we understand the world or our environment.

Diana López

Friday, 19 March 2010

books and readers


"Leer un buen libro es un placer parecido al que procuran las tocaciones y conjuros de sanación. No quieres curarte del todo para no dejar de aliviarte. Su ensalmo nos ata en busca de un final que no llega, pues cuando pensamos ya estamos en el comienzo del siguiente."

"La lectura es la unión libre entre un texto y quien lo lee. Cuando es profunda no siempre es fácil, pues como toda relación de pareja a veces tiene sus peuqñas incomprensiones, pero éstas, generalmente, se subsanan volviendo a hacer el amor, es decir, repitiendo la frase, el párrafo o, si es del caso, la página."

"La lectura sirve también para acostumbrarnos al otro, a ese que nos susurra en el oido. Tener un libro contigo, lector, es tener a alguien que te recuerda que estás vivo, por ello se diferencia de los demás placeres solitarios. Y también por ser un placer saludable,pues así como el sueño repone las neuronas, la lectura las potencia..."

(Abstract from the book - La lectura, esa íntima batalla - from Ivan Égüez, 2006)

Rogelio Herrera Marín.

Thursday, 18 March 2010


What is reading?

Reading = your eyes dancing across the page, words being accommodated in your head.

Decoding = the translation you do in order to understand what you're reading, that suppose comprehension.

Not all the minds identify the meaning in the same manner. You can say reading is something used to pass through a piece of paper and assume what it is about, maybe something else: comprehension. But in my perspective reading is the process in which we can build a general view of what is written, if you don't do that you're not reading, that would be called "cheking words". At the same time, reading take us into other worlds, different kinds of thinking and places where we experience the meaning of "human mind".

Reading is one of the most important skills we have to achieve and practice since we are preparing ourselves to be "teachers". Never mind these readings are in Spanish or another language, our minds have to recognize and work with that information given with a structure and a background (culture). So, we're building, step by step, a great bunch of knowledges in order to be good teachers, but at the same time, good learners.

Up-to-date technology has evolved and has improved the ways we can get access to information, it is true that this development brought some consequences like the moving on new styles of reading, letting "direct contact: person-book" senseless, but it's easier for us to keep in touch with all kinds of possibilities by clicking on internet.

Reading is a matter of syntax, vocabulary, cultural awareness and everything because we're exploring and discovering a whole new world into someone's mind. That is the only fact that makes us conscious: world is what you make of it, real or fake, we're thoughts.

Carlos Alberto Martínez

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Where is Hanoi located?

Ver mapa más grande

Reading course's wiki

Hi everyone.

I've set up the new wiki for course work. Here is the link

You'll find instructions on how to use it on the main page.


Saturday, 6 March 2010

Although a lot of people around the world think they how to know to read a written text, actually the mayority just knows decode the words in a written text, but they don't know to interpret those words. Reading works beyond of decoding, because those who write, write with a purpose. Thus, reading is to interpret, and not only written texts, but also situations, faces, numbers, etc.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Something about the noise

Now, how is one to listen to the noise without conflict--not whether it will go on indefinitely, or hoping it will come to an end--but how to listen to the noise without any conflict? That is what we are talking about. You can listen to the noise when the mind is completely free of any form of resistance--not only to that noise, but to everything in life--to your husband, to your wife, to your children, to the politician. Therefore what takes place? Your listening becomes much more acute, you become much more sensitive, and therefore noise is only a part, it isn't the whole world. The very act of listening is more important than the noise, so listening becomes the important thing and not the noise.

J. Krishnamurti
New York City
18 April 1971

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Interview with Susan Sontag

Interview with Susan Sontag on youtube:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting

By Milan Kundera

"A long time ago beauty has disapered. She has gone by the surface of noise. The noise of words, the noise of cars, the noise of music, the noise of lyrics, the noise in which we live constantly. She's submerged like the Atlantis; and the only thing left from her is a word, a word with a meaning that through the years is less understandable".

"Hace ya tiempo que desaparecio la belleza, desaparecio bajo la superficie del ruido. El ruido de las palabras, el ruido de los coches, el ruido de la musica, el ruido de las letras, El ruido en el que vivimos constantemente. Esta hundida como la Atlantida. No quedó de ella más que una palabra cuyo significado con el paso de cada año, es cada vez menos comprensible".
Reading is an activity, a complex process that involves many strategies in order to understand the text you are reading, this complex process requires a cognitive ability in which the brain acts as a computer system decoding all the information.
There are people who can learn or catch the meaning by reading very easily because they have the ability to understand the syntax and structure of a text and for them this reading process is a good way to learn, that is called verbal linguistic intelligence.
But reading is not only that, reading is also a way to learn, to know something the author gives to you and extra information or maybe not, maybe just something you already know but with a different point of view.
You have to create a relation ship with the text, you have to give something if you want to learn about the text, not only learn also enjoy. For this reason strategies are very important in order to know what the text have for us.

When creating an own concept about an specific topic, could be a very difficult task if you don't have what you consider are the best conditions to internalize that amount of tenses put before you. Some people like it to be a nice and quiet place, not that much hot, not that much cold; to others, it could be more a matter conserning to the state of mind you have at that specific moment you'd like to know what happens in the novel you're taking everywhere with you. Some have to be relaxed, others have to be even just bathed, and so on and on and on. The thing is, to decipher that information given to you through that piece of paper, you must be aware that you're creating an image in your head of what that information is about, you're actually understanding what's going on, building a meaning of everything you're recognizing as a real and existing concept. It's there and only there when you can say you're reading, and that you're in fact enjoynig or getting bored about that text.


About Reading

Reading is an interaction with the words, where you (as reader) contribute with your previous knowledge and the text with the current information. Allowing an enrichment of new information which modify all what you already know and let you learn, reflect, create, imagine. Reading is to enter in another world, live another life, learn from another person. Reading gives you another view, knowledge, reflection about what happens in this world.

Monday, 1 March 2010

What's reading???

What is Reading?

Reading for me is more than a process in which the human being is able to understand the meaning of the phrases by decoding. Reading is an interaction with the text, in which the text provides you certain information, and you with your experiences and previous knowledge try to build meanings about the world and the subject that the text is mentioning. Reading implies previous knowledge, comprehension, interaction, recognition, awareness and inference.

Reading opens your mind and makes you creative, it makes you enter in different worlds through your mind and provides you different perspectives of life and reality in order to confront the world with your thoughts and the thoughts of others. Reading opens your sides beyond things you believe normal. It takes you to investigate, to question, to infer, to think about the origin of things, the purpose of the person who writes and what message he wants to leave you.

Reading is like roaming around unknown worlds looking for something that you don't know but you want to know. That's reading for me!!!