Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Tasks for Wednesday, September 1st 2010
These are the tasks I would like you to develop while using the computers' room:
*Checking our blog, peer-reviewing classmates' contributions.
*Looking for information about the movie we watched.
*Exploring possible topics for your PWP (Personal Writing Project)
*Reading the text: "Politics and the English Language" by George Orwell. (See article on Wikipedia)
*Looking for an academic text about "Language and Citizenship".
Memorable quotes for The Last Station (2009)
Memorable quotes for
The Last Station (2009)
Sofya Tolstaya: Oh, Leovochka, why do you insist on dressing like that?
Leo Tolstoy: What do you mean, like what?
Sofya Tolstaya: Like a man who looks after the sheep!
Leo Tolstoy: It wasn't meant to offend you.
Sofya Tolstaya: You're a count, for God's sake!
Leo Tolstoy: Despite good cause for it, I have never stopped loving you.
Sofya Tolstaya: Of course.
Leo Tolstoy: But God knows you don't make it easy!
Sofya Tolstaya: Why should it be easy? I am the work of your life, you are the work of mine. That's what love is!
Sofya Tolstaya: I'm your little bird, you know the sounds I make.
Leo Tolstoy: And that was some sort of love call, I suppose?
Sofya Tolstaya: Brought you back to me.
This has no taste...
Making a comparison, writing in English can be a little easier than in french, talking about gramatical aspects (variety of tenses, conjugation, irregular verbs, etc.), but it is also true that our language is more similar to french, so you can think in a way closer to the other language.
Besides, I think french is richer in vocabulary than english, that means you can adorn your text like in spanish, however, this is "counter-productive" because this makes english writing simpler, or faster, of course this depends on the kind of text.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Just when is my will, writing in Spanish is like weeping, I do it in sad moments but I like it because I find a rest.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Writing in English, French and Spanish...is like...
Writing in French is like to write in English. The difference is that I see more colors in the warm water of French Language, and that I know much better its creatures. Thus I understand its rhythm and its sound...
It is less unknown for me, but when I feel its vastness also I remember that I have to improve my broke and my knowledge about it.
Writing in Spanish is like being a fish or a turtle or a whale in the sea of Spanish Language. I just need listen to my soul and my thoughts to arrive where I want… because I‘m part of this sea. Writing in Spanish is a kind of freedom for my feelings.
Writing in... for me is....
Writing in English is like doing the pattern of a building when you are a civil engineer... he/she has the knowledge but he/she needs to be careful and to use the right tools for building a solid structure.
Writing in French is like playing a puzzle; you have to put every piece in the right place for finding the perfect match.
Writing in Spanish is like learning to swim, you have the theory, but it is difficult to apply it and it takes many hours of practice.
Writing in french for me is like cooking, because sometimes I write and I suppose that is good, but when the teacher checks it out is wrong.
Writing in spanish for me is like dancing because I feel good, trusting and comfortable, although at the end my texts don't have sense.(not all the time), anyway I feel good.
What is writing in english, french and spanish like?
1984 - George Orwell
Plus, the 1984 movie trailer released in the same year...weird isn't?
see ya.
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Writing in ... is like ...
Friday, 27 August 2010
Do I write?
Writing in French is like being in charge of a building project, to be an architect with some kind of disorder. The architect is lazy: he sleeps in the building while his drunk workers talk about their pathetic boss. Who wanted to hire this guy?
In Spanish, I fly above the trees, above the buildings. I see the ocean, I hear a mermaid singing a beautiful song that sometimes makes me dream with disaster and hope, black and yellow. Although it's an endless flight, makes me smile. I'm always writing a timeless letter.
Eduardo Valderrama
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Writing in English
In English is different, I enjoy every part o the process, perhaps it’s because I can explain what I want to express shorter than in Spanish or in French, but this doesn’t happen just because the nature of English, but also because I feel words are the correct ones . And if I must compare writing in English with something, I thing that is like climbing a mountain, because when I’m standing in a foot in the door to star climbing, in that moment, I’m conscious that is going to be hard but I don’t care, and I enjoy every part of the ascent.
Luis Fernando Agudelo
Writing in French
When I read in French is like if someone with a sweet voice would be reading for me, but when I start to write in French that sweet voice begins to shout me and then whips against my back start torturing me meanwhile I write. But at the end when I finish what I write about, I can feel freedom in all my being.
Luis Fernando Agudelo
Writing in Spanish
Writing in Spanish is like to be under the shadow of a tree in a sunny and hot day, and it’s hard to go out from there because I know I want to be there, but more than taking a refuge, I enjoy to be there, since every kind of feelings start to coming up into my mind and then I start to take care of every sort of little thing around me and suddenly, I realize about tings that I’ve never known.
Luis Fernando Agudelo
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Why I write, George Orwell