Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Writing not alway has been with languages!

I don't agree with the stamen that says writing establishes a context-free, an autonomous discourse that can't be doubted because the written discourse is separated from its author, for the reason that writing must connect authors’ experiences expressed with certain affinity with determined audience for they can understand his ideas and they can be debated. On the other hand every discourse can be questioned even if the author is not present, because every field of the knowledge is based on doubts about itself for discovering more aspects unknowns about that field, and in this level writing has been useful as technology in order to show to the whole world what an author thinks about a filed, and like this information is written, other people can use it to back it up or to reject it. However human being not always has have writing, but languages were still considered as languages, in fact, writing emerged more for other reasons than for the nature of themselves, that’s how writing was developed as an artificial element or an extension of the languages but up-to-date this is part of many languages.

On the other hand writing can help us to memorize specific information, because every time we write about something our brain can retain 70% of what we wrote. That’s one of the reason why I think writing is considered as technology and as artificial because writing must have been developed during human being history and it was necessary to express orality in other way to transmit and preserve the real message of what the author wanted to say, because when the author doesn’t write what he thinks about certain field anybody else could interpret the message in other way and the real information is going to be lost. Of course they are many other languages that don’t have writing and that doesn’t make them inferior or underdeveloped ,but obviously cause of the effects of globalization for languages can survive must be at least in the middle of the game, on the other side even if some languages are not emerged in the competence for getting an important place in globalization, it doesn’t determined if their oral traditions and culture is going to disappear, at least for the people of these specifics cultures their traditions and customs are going to be pass to the next generation.

Luis Fernando Agudelo Ledezma

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