Monday, 24 May 2010

According to Toni Morrison’s speech, I could say that Samuel Becket was a writer who had many characteristics that Morrison describes: one of them and what I considered is the most important and the most beautiful is “Building meaning through imagination”. I think Samuel Becket had a lot of this characteristic and I could read it in waiting or Godot when he created theses characters; Vladimir, Estragon waiting for someone who never arrives, and just some years ago Samuel was living in the middle of the World War II, but using his imagination and combine it with his real experiences, he could create a play where represents in certain way the appreciation of life for people involved in this catastrophic war and for him, on the other hand I can see how too how Godot became hope.

Maybe hope for Vladimir in a different sense than for Estragon and the boy, but maybe those characters shared their different perception of hope with millions of people who lived during the period of the World War II; perhaps Becket saw many Vladimirs and Estragons. And here I remark other characteristic that Samuel Becket had of which Morrison talked about, because as Toni said an author has to go deeper and look what’s really going on and also take place from where he or she is, in the case of Becket, he could take place of his world around him and did what he could do, to write. And I’m sure he never lived the nightmare of an author (Never been posted). In fact Becket was persecuted because he defended his ideas, his beginnings and always tried to exposed what he thought about humankind , about society about his own existence, and he didn’t fall in what many authors fall, in passivity and stillness.

Waiting for Godot was and is the sample that Becket was really interested on write about the real reality and not just to write without sense.

Luis Fernando Agudelo

1 comment:

  1. Can anybody tell me where is my posted about Beyond "culture": Space, Identity, and the politics of difference. Akhil Gupta; James Ferguson Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 7, No1, Space, Identity, and the politics of difference. (Feb.,1992)pap.6-23 that I did some weeks ago ?, thanks.
