Thursday, 27 May 2010

The Writer' spirit

Does the writer you are reading match the writer describe by Toni Morrison?
Give concrete examples from the literary piece you are reading to illustrate your answer.
I strongly believe that Toni Morrison, who is the writer I’m reading, does match perfectly in the description she herself proposes to define, I would say, a writer’ spirit. I will illustrate such consideration by remarking some strong reflections she makes in her speech.
I can appreciate and observe the strong image that comes to my mind when she says that the writers disturb the social coma (peace), when they take a deeper look regarding to the reality and also when she says that the writers can transform the social trauma, that is to say, they are capable to turn the sorrow into meaning. The book I’m reading is clever in doing so.
First, the story itself inquires me and confronts me to see the sadness of the racism from the author point of view, and that happens when she proposes the dead as a way out to the slavery, to this kind of suffering.
I remember Sethe the main character, saying to a guy named Paul D that the worst part of that suffering was to be alive. The shocking part is reveled when Sethe decide to kill her own daughter in order to set her free, in a not easy act of braveness. At that moment is where the big question is placed.This sorrow turned into meaning by this author, allows me to at least, understand the deep roots of racism

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