Monday, 31 May 2010

Freedom of writers

Does the writer you are reading match the writer described by Toni Morrison?

Give concrete examples from the literary piece you are reading to illustrate your answer

Yes, Mary Gaitskill matches in some way what Toni Morrison has said, through her writing I’ve discovered how to regard beyond in my society, I’ve learnt to reflect about what happens around me, as Toni Morrison said, I was called by “Because they wanted to” to built a deeper look about the government, about the university, about my family situation, about the girl next door, what I want to say is that Mary has taught me trough her short stories to increase my reflexive points of view.

Mary talks about real people, having real problems, she’s “disturbing” what people know about society, because she’s showing reality using her characters, for example in her short story “because they wanted to” she shows a girl who is taking care of some children who were abandoned, the thing is the girl (babysitter) didn’t know what happened.

So when I read the story I confronted it with my context and I realized that there are thousands of possibilities that that situation could happen here, of course!!!, a mother who is in a bad situation, looks for someone to take care of her children and then leaves… because she has no job, no money for raising her sons, I was like touched in a deep way by Mary, even if she doesn’t know Colombia, I do, and what I’ve just said it’s true.

I think all of these and I can say that “writing” is a way of revolution, leaving our government and our society naked, but the sad thing is that not everybody sees this, there are, when “writers raise” showing the real thing, those things we are not allowed to see, chaos and its perceptions like “violence”. For example in he short story “the girl on the plane” a man talks to a woman about his life, she also talks about hers and some bad things she’s done, this man imagines and remember how he raped a girl, that’s the fact “a girl who was raped”, that’s violence manifestation, but Mary Gaitskill took me deeper, beyond showing me trough the short story that there are some social issues that took the man (his name was John) to rape this girl, in that moment I understood that John did that because the society around him pushed him, right there I saw society’s reality, society was naked for me.

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